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Lotus Farm by Samatoa

All you ever wanted to know about our lotus farm

The Sacred lotus plant

Lotus Farm by Samatoa is pleased to present you the Nelumbo nucifera also known as the sacred lotus, domesticated in South East Asia about 7,000 years ago and has been grown not only for its cultural and ornamental value, but also for the medicinal uses and for its edible seeds and rhizomes. More than 3000 hectares of this sacred lotus are now growing in Cambodia.

The farm

How can I visit the farm ?

We are located just at the outskirt of Siem Reap, you can find us on Google Maps.
You can use Tuk Tuk, PassApp or Grab, it takes about 10 minutes from town center and will cost about 3$.
The area is also well suited for cycling, if you are using e-bike you can charge it for free at our farm.

Can I see the people working ?

Our employees work daily in the farm from harvesting lotus stems and flowers to the final product you are very welcome to have a look. Most of our employees do not speak English but our guides will be happy to answer any of your questions.

How many people work on the farm

Our farm in Siem Reap and Battambang employs more than 150 peoples.

Can I take pictures ?

You are very welcome to take pictures.
If you publish them on social media we will be very grateful if you tag us

Which langages do you speak ?

We speak English, Khmer and French


How does lotus grow ?

Lotus seeds or small rhizomes are planted at the beginning of the rainy season. Lotus grows in shallow artificial or natural water ponds which are very common all around Cambodia. Harvest will start a few weeks later and will last as long as water is available in the pond.

Is lotus a sustainable and renewable resource ?

Lotus is a fast growing plant, the stems we take for our work will grow back in a matter of weeks. If enough water is available lotus plants will grow all year around.
Besides that lotus needs very little care, there is no specific pest treatment needed and it will accommodate any kind of freshwater with a preference for murky waters.

Where does lotus come from ?

We grow about 50 % of it ourselves for the other half we buy from local farmer thus providing them with a complimentary income

Is the lotus textile traditional in Cambodia?

The lotus textile was probably developed in all of Southeast Asia a long time ago but the tradition has disappeared totally, except in Myanmar where they continue to produce a lotus robe for the most venerated monk during an annual ceremony. But their lotus textile was rough and uneven, unsuitable for the only market for lotus textile, the luxury market.
Within 10 years, we have developed our own processes, selected the best lotus flower and trained the women to make a perfect fabric, which has now been sold to nearly all luxury fashion brands.

What are the properties of lotus scarf/textiles?

As the first natural microfiber known in the world (following our tests at French Textile Institute in 2016), lotus fabric offers exceptional properties: not only the most antibacterial, it is also the most breathable, the most absorbent, and almost wrinkle-free. It makes it perfect for summer (warm weather) when the silk is acting as an insulator, but it is also suitable for winter.


How can I pay ?

We accept payments in credit card (visa, mastercard and unionpay) and cash (USD or Khmer Riel).

Can you deliver goods to my home country ?

Most products we sell will fit in a suitcase, but we are able to ship products everywhere in the world.
For any large orders please contact :

Do you work with other natural products ?

Besides lotus, Samatoa Lotus Textiles also make fabrics from silk, banana and Kapok but as well vegan leathers as lotus leather, banana leather, pineapple leather and mango leather.

Do you sell raw fabric ?

Producing textiles is Samatoa Lotus Textiles main activity, check our dedicated website:

More questions ?

Feel free to contact us